Five Tricks To Cleanse Your Toothbrush As Well As Keep It Germ-Free

Bril Review

Many germs reside within our mouths and this includes those that reside in plaque. It's not a surprise that bacteria can accumulate on toothbrushes. However, the bacteria that you flush out of the toilet can end up on your bristles. When you flush your toilet, the water that swirls that removes the waste from the bowl is mixed with tiny particles of the waste, and then shoots the feces in aerosol form, referred to as fecal Col bacteria into the air.

After you have cleaned your teeth, clean your hands

It is important to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water every time you touch your toothbrush.

Your hands are the main sources of transmission of viruses and bacteria So washing your hands before and after brushing will help stop the transmission of germs and through your bristles. It doesn't matter whether it is flu season, allergy season, or not washing your hands is vital. The risk for people is germs that can get on their fingers and under their nails.

Rinse and store your toothbrush correctly using Bril

It is recommended to thoroughly wash your toothbrush with tap water after each use to remove any remaining foods particles, toothpaste and plaque, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

After cleaning your toothbrush, place it upright and allow it to air dry. Most of the bacteria on toothbrushes are anaerobic. This means that they die when oxygen is present. Air-drying will kill the majority of the bacteria. If you have to get rid of the bacteria, make use of UV light toothbrush sterilizer. It is beneficial for yourself to checkout Bril Reviews – UV-Light Toothbrush Sterilizer to understand the particulars of the product.

Germs thrive in moist conditions and in closed cabinets or containers. It's better to leave it outside. However, try not to keep it near the toilet, and make sure you close your toilet's seat prior to flushing, to guard against the possibility of catching germs in toilet plumes.

Don't store multiple brushes and even those belonging to relatives, within the same holder. Avoid contacting them as germs can propagate.

Cleanse your toothbrush

If you want to take extra precaution or, say you dropped your toothbrush on the ground, and it's visibly dirty you might want to clean your toothbrush to better kill germs.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to clean and kill germ cells. It also neutralizes numerous microorganisms. Antiseptic mouthwash has a variety of active ingredients like alcohol, Eucalyptol and menthol which can all destroy bacteria. You can find UV light toothbrush sterilizer on the internet.

Keep your toothbrush safe while traveling

You can keep your toothbrush clean while traveling by taking it out of its box and removing its case and storing it in a secure location.

To keep yourself safe from germs, air-dry your toothbrush as quickly as you are able to.

You can also wash your travel bag by washing it in hot water to remove any dirt, and cleaning it with soap or soaking it in antibacterial mouthwash for 10 to 15 mins, just as you would using your tooth.

Know when to throw your toothbrush and throw it away

According to the ADA The ADA recommends that toothbrushes be changed every three or four month. If the bristles are damaged, frayed, or matted, it is recommended to replace them earlier.

If you've fallen ill with common ailments like flu or cold, it is important to clean your teeth. This can help to prevent the spread of infection to family members.


  1. I liked your blog post about xclusivequotes. I liked that you shared your five tricks to cleanse your toothbrush as well as keep it germ-free. I also like that you mentioned that it's important to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water every time you touch your toothbrush.
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