Importance of Going Coffee Free

nootropic herb

While caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant but previous research has demonstrated that it can improve cognitive function and speed up reaction time. However, additional studies suggest there are many advantages to cutting back on caffeine, or even going without it altogether. These are the top advantages of cutting down on caffeine.

Energy that is more sustained throughout the day

Do you think of the logos of your favourite coffee shop as an indication of a pick me up? While caffeine gives you a short-term boost, it is an stimulant. But, not all people experience a second plunge. You'll feel less tired because of the temporary effects on your brain. The use of caffeine to fuel your day can lead to a drop in energy hours later.

This is due to the fact that it triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol hormones, that trigger your fight or flight response. These substances give you an intense buzz and a certain lift, but it can also be very jarring when they are slowed down.

Higher absorption of micronutrients

Caffeine is known to hinder absorption of some minerals and vitamins from food items. That's because some vitamins are water-soluble , such as vitamin C and a variety of B vitamins, according to Colorado State University and caffeine's diuretic effects (meaning it makes you urinate more) results in a situation where they are "washed" out of the body before they are fully absorbable. In addition to these water-soluble vitamins OOMPH! may hinder the absorption of calcium as well as iron, two minerals which are also common deficiencies.

Potentially better Bone Health

In connection with vitamin deficiencies, caffeine's effect on bone health is a topic to debate. On the skipping the java side, there was research done in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in which it was found that higher caffeine levels interfered with vitamin D absorption, which in turn reduced the way that vitamin D reacted in osteoblasts, the cells that are responsible for forming bones.

This mechanism and the strong link between vitamin D and calcium as well as caffeine might explain why a different August 2017 study in Archives of Medical Science found that a regular intake of caffeine is linked to decreased bone mineral density and increased urinary calcium loss. On the other end of the argument it is believed that these effects are negligible for those who consume the recommended dose of calcium daily, and that these effects can be countered by adding a small amount of milk into a cup of coffee or tea.

Keeps Wrinkles at Bay for a Longer Time

There are many variables that influence the development of wrinkles. A big one is how well your body can continue making collagen the protein that provides structure to skin, as also ligaments and tendons, according to earlier research. As we age, collagen production decreases naturally, as research suggests, which can affect skin elasticity, resiliency and hydration. What can speed up this process? Too much UV light, smoking, excessive sugar consumption, and surprisingly, a large amount of caffeine.

Reduce the Menopause "Power Surges'

Caffeine may have an impact on hormones. While research in the past has revealed that caffeine alters the way estrogen is metabolized in younger women but it can also raise estrogen levels for women who are experiencing menopausal symptoms According to Hooper.

Heartburn Risks Can Be Reduced

Caffeine can cause acid reflux and heartburn. Her clients have had excellent success cutting out caffeine from their lives. Research has shown that caffeine can increase the risk of heartburn, however tea is also a problem. That's because coffee has an extremely acidic content, similar to other drinks that have a high acid content like orange juice.


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