The Keto Diet - Everything You Need To Know

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There are a million and one diets available there for anyone to try however one that's been in use for several years and is extremely popular is the Keto diet.

Also known as the Ketogenic diet, often called a 'low carb diet' and the Keto diet is a total lifestyle change, not the quick solution.

What is Keto and how does it Do the job?

The aim of the Keto diet is to reduce your carb intake while upping the amount of protein and fat consumed in an effort to get your body into a state of increased metabolism called 'ketosis'. This allows your body to burn fat more efficiently and convert fat into ketones that are beneficial for your health and well-being. Click here to discover a useful reference on Keto Supplement Price.

There are different amounts of different food groups and nutrients. However, it is suggested to keep your carbohydrates under 20g daily while making sure that at least 70% of your diet is comprised of fat. This can vary depending on how many calories you are consuming.

What can you eat when you are on Keto?

The keto diet demands consumption of a large amount of fat per day. However, it is essential to choose the right fats that are healthy for you.





Oils like coconut, avocado, olive and avocado





The primary principle of keto is to be low-carb that also includes sugar which means that foods that need to be given a miss or at a minimum, should be restricted to a minimum:





There are a variety of fruits to choose from



Ice cream

Fructose is a common sugar found in foods. It is consumed in moderation when following the Keto diet. The consumption of cow's milk isn't recommended due to its high lactose level. Many dairy-containing cheeses however are lower in lactose.

Keto Vs Atkins

We've all heard of Atkins and may have assumed that there wasn't any different. But here's the truth:

Atkins is a brand name diet. Similar to Slimming World or Weight Watchers the Atkins way of eating is branded. You can buy Atkins food products, cookbooks and join a membership for support with the weight loss program however, the principles are similar from Keto.

Atkins remains a low-carb, high-fat diet. However, Atkins dieters should choose healthy fats as often as they can. It makes it easier to eat balanced, nutritious meals and not just high-fat dishes.

The Atkins plan can be seen as a more logical way to follow the Keto principles with clearer guidelines of how much of each nutrient you need to consume each day, along with stronger recommendations for how to follow the diet to be healthy.

Are the Keto Diet Recommended?

Like all diets there are both advocates and sceptics for the Keto diet. Many people have experienced remarkable weight loss and claim that it has changed their lives. Others have found it difficult to sustain and non-sustainable.

The Keto diet is a complete lifestyle change. A lot of planning, preparation and consideration must be given to what you consume on the Keto diet and that is because it's an elimination-based diet. If you eliminate foods from your diet or decrease the amount of food you are 'allowed' and you have to think ahead a lot more to ensure the food you have with you during mealtimes is healthy and make the diet difficult.

It's obvious that the Keto diet can restrict the choices you can make in certain areas. These diets can also result in an obsessional attitude. Dieting and weight loss is recognized as being more challenging as you contemplate it and as it's not the easiest diet and requires you to dedicate a lot of time and consideration to it which can be a challenge in and of itself.


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